Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Ancestors Honoured

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today, the Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, invite us to ponder with gratitude the role of our parents and grandparents in our journey to truth, love and beauty.

Parents and Grandparents

The reading from the Book of Sirach is a Hymn in Honour of Our Ancestors.

* [44:115] The reader is here introduced to those people of Israel, later mentioned by name, who through various achievements and beneficial social activities have acquired great renown (vv. 18, 1415); and also to those who, though forgotten, endure through the fruit of their virtues and through their families because of God’s covenant with them (vv. 915). (Sirach, CHAPTER 44 | USCCB, n.d.)

Psalm 132 praises the Eternal Dwelling of God in Zion.

* [Psalm 132] A song for a liturgical ceremony in which the ark, the throne of Israel’s God, was carried in procession to the Temple. The singer asks that David’s care for the proper housing of the ark be regarded with favor (Ps 132:15), and tells how it was brought to Jerusalem (Ps 132:610). There follows God’s promise of favor to the Davidic dynasty (Ps 132:1112) and to Zion (Ps 132:1317). The transfer of the ark to the tent in Jerusalem is described in 2 Sm 6. (Psalms, PSALM 132 | USCCB, n.d.)

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus explains the Privilege of Discipleship.

* [13:1617] Unlike the unbelieving crowds, the disciples have seen that which the prophets and the righteous of the Old Testament longed to see without having their longing fulfilled. (Matthew, CHAPTER 13 | USCCB, n.d.)

Cindy Costanzo offers a prayer on the Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is part of a reflection on the texts chosen by the USCCB for today.

A prayer to Saint Joachim and Saint Anne…thank you for giving us your blessed daughter. You raised her to be faithful, loving, resilient, and strong. She said yes to our loving God and because of this faith gave us an opportunity for eternal life.  Thank you. (Costanzo, 2023)

The Daily Scripture net and the Word Among Us  and Friar Jude Winkler also reflect on the texts chosen by the USCCB for today.

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, introduces Brother Lawrence (1611–1691) who was a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery, where he primarily worked in the kitchen. His reflections, known as Practice of the Presence of God, have inspired countless Christians and other spiritual seekers to simple practices of contemplation and presence. He begins by encouraging us to take brief moments of pause during our busy days to enhance our awareness of God’s presence. Carmen Acevedo Butcher offers a modern translation: Brother Lawrence teaches that this practice begins with a faith that God is truly present with us in all times and circumstances:

We must carefully consider what qualities we most need to be kind. Which are the most difficult for us to develop, which ways of harming ourselves and others do we most often fall into, and which are the most frequent and predictable of our falls? At the moment of our struggle, we must turn back to God with complete confidence. Be still in the presence of divine majesty. Respect God humbly, telling them our heartaches and our weaknesses, and asking them lovingly for the help of their grace. This is how in our fragility we find in God our strength. (Rohr, 2023)

We have the ongoing influence of our ancestors, interpreted with the help of the Spirit, to guide our transformation in faith, hope, and love.


Costanzo, C. (2023, July 26). Creighton U. Daily Reflection. Online Ministries. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from 

Matthew, CHAPTER 13 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from 

Psalms, PSALM 132 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from 

Rohr, R. (2023, July 26). Practice of the Presence — Center for Action and Contemplation. CAC Daily Meditations 2023. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from 

Sirach, CHAPTER 44 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from 

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