Monday, July 31, 2023

Growth and Care

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today invite us to reflect on the experiences and events in our lives that were the seed of our growth in faith, hope, and charity.

Growth and Care

The reading from the Book of Exodus describes Moses' reaction to the Golden Calf created by the Israelites while he was receiving the Ten Commandments from God.

Psalm 106 is a Confession of Israel’s Sins.

The Gospel of Matthew presents the Parable of the Mustard Seed, of the Yeast and Jesus' use of Parables.

* [13:3133] See Mk 4:3032; Lk 13:1821. The parables of the mustard seed and the yeast illustrate the same point: the amazing contrast between the small beginnings of the kingdom and its marvelous expansion. (Matthew, CHAPTER 13 | USCCB, n.d.)

Joan Blandin Howard comments that today, the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, is significant for all Jesuits – brothers and priests who belong to the Society of Jesus. Founded by Ignatius, the order was recognized by Rome in 1540. As in today’s gospel reading, God planted a small seed in Ignatius’s heart. Almost 5 centuries later, that seed has blossomed into a “tree” of solace for many. Jesuits, men who live, work, play and pray with us “ordinary” folk. They too “ordinary” men who have dedicated their lives to God, being in service to people of all races, creeds and cultures is their order’s vocation. Men, women, old and young have been attracted to their charism of “Cura Personalis”, care for the whole person.  The Jesuits are committed to providing safe haven for all.

“I will open my mouth in parables”… Throughout the gospels we hear Jesus speaking to ordinary folk in parables.  Stories that attract the attention of his followers and on-lookers.  Jesus’s parables are about ordinary events in ordinary lives.  Listeners can identify with these stories which contain a lesson, teaching, and offer new insight into their personal lives and relationships with God. The parables have to with planting, harvesting, hospitality and meals. They have to do with conflict, death, illness, friendship and family. With all things ordinary and all types of relationships- person to person, person to nature, God to nature, God to mankind.  The Spirit dwelling within all things ordinary. (Howard, 2023)

Don Schwager presents a meditation on “What the Kingdom of Heaven Is Like.”

The Word Among Us Meditation on Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34 comments that as much as we might condemn the Israelites for their lack of faith, we probably do something similar. We, too, might feel our trust in God faltering when we encounter challenges or when we are waiting for him to finally answer our prayers. We, too, might turn to “idols” to fill the void instead of waiting patiently on our God.

Finally, we can ask the Spirit to lead us to repentance and sorrow for any ways we have already fallen into sin. Through the gift of repentance, we can experience the Spirit’s power to redeem us and heal us in ways we could never accomplish on our own.

Brothers and sisters, our God is a God of mercy. Just as he did for the Israelites, he can lead us along the path of forgiveness and redemption whenever we call to him.

“Come, Holy Spirit, and set me free from any idol I may be worshipping instead of you.” (Meditation on Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34, n.d.)

Friar Jude Winkler discusses some of the possible motives of the Israelites worship of the Golden Calf. CS Lewis warned that living only one virtue risks that virtue becoming a vice. Friar Jude reminds us of the “butterfly effect” of Jesus teaching in parables.

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, explains how contemplation heals us from the judgments and thoughts that so often lead to violence against ourselves and others. 

We are prone to beliefs and actions that support our own plan for growth and success even as we ignore the prompting of the Spirit in the Word of God to follow the Way of Jesus.


Howard, J. B. (2023, July 31). Creighton U. Daily Reflection. Online Ministries. Retrieved July 31, 2023, from 

Matthew, CHAPTER 13 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved July 31, 2023, from

Meditation on Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34. (n.d.). The Word Among Us: Homepage. Retrieved July 31, 2023, from 

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