Monday, September 21, 2009

Resonance and the sense of intense understanding

I just finished ordering Richard Rohr's new book, The Naked Now, after hearing an interview with him on the CBC Program, Tapestry. Rohr is a Franciscan priest who talks eloquently about the life of St. Francis, as a man who "got it". He formulates an approach to avoiding dual thinking. This non dual thinking is, in Rohr's opinion, the thinking and action of Jesus. The interview and the web searching I have done since listening to the radio program resonate with my search. The The Enneagram: A Typology of Personality, used by Rohr to explore the ego and psychology of believers also identified well my personality type. How satisfying it is to encounter ideas and techniques which resonate with your spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed - Rohr is a breath of fresh air and brings clarity and reality to understanding the messages of Jesus without the clouds of belief systems or egos
