Friday, March 17, 2017

Looking at the stones

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today remind us of the distortion to our understanding which comes from jealousy. Our striving to gain for ourselves may be the opening for deceptive influences which lead us away from our inheritance of Love. The favourite son evidence in Joseph’s life is the basis upon which the anger of his brothers threatens his survival. The people of the Covenant in the Gospel from Matthew have replaced their promise to bring the fruit of the Love of God to all with plans to keep the goodness for their personal benefit. Michael Kelly connects our need to remain faithful to the manipulation of facts we are presented as truth in our society today. Don Schwager shares the insight on our mission and the forgiving patience of God which he finds in the parable of the tenants. Friar Jude Winkler comments on the link between the jealousy of Joseph's brothers and the dream revelations of the spoiled child. He notes how the parable of the tenants is evidence of Jesus understanding that His Mission would lead to His death.