Monday, May 6, 2019

Accomplish the works

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today from the Calendar for Canada (CCCP) on the Memorial of Francois de Laval

are connected to the life of this first Bishop of Quebec.

The reading from 2 Timothy 4.1-5 contains advice for pastors that resonate with the pastoral experience of this saint.
* [4:1–5] The gravity of the obligation incumbent on Timothy to preach the word can be gauged from the solemn adjuration: in the presence of God, and of Christ coming as universal judge, and by his appearance and his kingly power (2 Tm 4:1). Patience, courage, constancy, and endurance are required despite the opposition, hostility, indifference, and defection of many to whom the truth has been preached (2 Tm 4:2–5).1 
Francois de Laval, as a good shepherd of God’s Love, is an example of living the Gospel (John 10.11-16).
* [10:16] Other sheep: the Gentiles, possibly a reference to “God’s dispersed children” of Jn 11:52 destined to be gathered into one, or “apostolic Christians” at odds with the community of the beloved disciple.2 
Katrisha Villarante asks "What do the Eucharist, living to share the Gospel and May 6th have in common?"

What did Francois de Laval teach us?Adapted and summarized from a document of de Laval’s writings to a group of missionaries, his points are still applicable in today’s society. He advises: To be filled with the spirit of God. That it animate our words and our hearts.To be prudent to put order in things, by enlightening understanding, or bending the will; all that does not aim to that end are lost.The devil roams like a roaring lion, so be vigilant against his attempts with care, kindness and love. To have nothing in our lives and morals that may be contrary to what we say, and may cause us to lose the hearts for God we want to gain.Win affection through kindness, patience and charity, to win hearts for God. A word of bitterness, an impatient gesture or even an irksome look can ruin in a moment what had taken a long time to accomplish.The spirit of God requires a peaceful meditative heart, not an anxious or inattentive heart. Avoid things that are contrary to holy and joyful modesty.3 
The Henri Nouwen meditation for May 6 urges us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and ask him more directly to give you joy, peace, and a pure heart. Purity of heart means a heart where God is the center of your attention. Take a simple sentence like “The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want,” and repeat that quietly during the day until the truth of it enters the center of your being. You will always continue to have feelings of depression, anger, and restlessness, but when God dwells in the center of the storm, the storm is less frightening and you can live with trust that in the midst of all of the darkness you will be led to a place of joy and peace.4 
Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, quotes Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner (1904–1984) who suggested that “Christians are, in their practical life, almost mere ‘monotheists.’ We must be willing to admit that, should the doctrine of the Trinity have to be dropped as false, the major part of religious literature could well remain virtually unchanged.” [1].
The very mystical Cappadocian Fathers (Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory Nazianzen, and Basil of Caesarea) of fourth-century eastern Turkey eventually developed some highly sophisticated thinking on what the Christian church soon called the Trinity. It took three centuries of reflection on the Gospels to have the courage to say it and offer the best metaphor they could find. The Greek word they daringly used was perichoresis or circle dance. 
The pastoral example of Francois de Laval and the connection to the constant development of sound doctrine are guidelines for our journey on the Way.


(n.d.). 2 Timothy, chapter 4 - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
(n.d.). John, chapter 10 - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
(2014, April 3). Francois de Laval, a good shepherd of God's Love | Salt and Light .... Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
(n.d.). Daily Meditation - Henri Nouwen Society. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from
(2019, May 5). Trinity: MIA — Center for Action and Contemplation. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from

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