Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Family of Christ celebrates

The texts for today, Friday, in the for the Memorial of Saint Boniface and the celebration last evening of Corpus Christi last night in Rome are both related to our journey in Italy and in life. The events of readings from the Book of Tobit tell of the joy which Tobit and Anna experience at the return of his son Tobiah with his wife Sarah who is welcomed joyously into the family by Tobit who has received new sight from God. The importance of family relationship is part of the discusion Jesus engages with the scribes in the Gospel from Mark where he identifies that the Messiah, who David was promised by God is the Son of God. We have reached the last day in Rome and we are anxious for the joy of being reunited with family. Maryanne Rouse suggests that Ignatian contemplation is an excellent approach to deepen our experience of homecoming through the Tobit story.The Gospel from Mark for the Feast of Corpus Christi relates the actions of Jesus as He brings into being the universal community which is the Body of Christ. His blood of the covenant both alludes to the ancient rite of Ex 24:4–8 and indicates the new community that the sacrifice of Jesus will bring into being. We joined tens of thousands of the family which Jesus brings into being in the Mass and Procession for Corpus Christi which was celebrated by Pope Francis in the area of San Giovanni in Rome. Tom Stegman S.J. recalls the family presentation he experience during this celebration in a small German Town. The catholic nature of the gathering last night was evident as, in the crowd, there were devout Roman Catholics who lovingly recited the prayers and sang with joy in chorus with the Vatican musicians. There were people with a family or cultural tie to Catholicism and as always in Rome, some of the cameras and selfie sticks were held by the tourists and curious. As the very long liturgy progressed, some received as much of the encounter as they needed and left with pictures of the Pope and questions about the joyfulness of the devout. When the tens of thousands joined in the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament about three kilometers through Rome to the Santa Maria Maggoire Basilica with candles lit, the life and joy in the Body of Christ filling the streets was witness to an invitation to follow Jesus in the on going joy of continuing to conquer the Eternal City with Love, inclusion, compassion and forgiveness. As the Pope presided over the ancient rites of Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rome came to a stop and people rejoiced in their relationships with God.

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