Monday, May 26, 2014

Attracted to know

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today illuminate the action of the Holy Spirit as the Advocate who informs our being about our relationship with the Divine. In the text from the Acts of the Apostles, Luke tells of the encounter of Paul in  Philippi, a leading city in the district of Macedonia and a Roman colony, with Lydia. She is a woman who is celebrated as a saint in Roman, Orthodox and Reformed Christian Churches. Susan Tinley finds the action of the Holy Spirit in the texts today resonates with the experience of high school youth who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Lydia is described as a “God-fearer” Gentle attracted to Judaism. Friar Jude Winkler shares some of the background of the woman in the purple trade who was dealing in a precious dye which came from sea creatures off Lebanon. Our attraction to God is a gift of God. In the passage from the Gospel of John, Jesus affirms that our link to the Father, through following Him, in the manner in which we conduct ourselves at work, at home, in service to others and in our recreation, will be informed by the Spirit, which Friar Jude reminds us is breathed into our being. Pope Francis is today wrapping up his visit to the Holy Land. Today, in Jerusalem, the Catholic News Agency quoted him as saying “For Catholics, there is "a clear intention to reflect deeply on the significance of the Jewish roots of our own faith”. The expulsion from the synagogue, mentioned by the Evangelist John, stands in contrast with the movement of  the “God-fearer” Lydia toward Jesus as recorded by Luke. The conduct of Christians in our relationship with believers of Islam and Judaism in the Holy City, and around the world, needs to have the character of love and service with which the Holy Spirit empowers the followers of the Way.

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