Saturday, April 27, 2013

Plan for the world

The text today from the Roman Catholic Lectionary puts us in touch with the intersection between the search for understanding of God by people and the revelation of God to people. The author of the Book of Acts, Luke is described by Friar Jude Winkler as a person who believed that God has a plan for the world and that plan must be discerned and followed by people. Luke was a learned Gentile and familiar with the philosophic thinking of his age which included Stoic concepts that God has a plan for humanity. Luke presents following Jesus as the lawful and true direction for the long established Jewish communities. The Roman rulers should understand that Jesus is rooted in a religious tradition which is the Jewish tradition. The Gospel of John identifies Jesus as Divine and Messiah. The text today is a passage where Jesus declares that He and the Father are One. Friar Jude notes that this truth is difficult for us to comprehend. People who become familiar with thoughts and ideas often confuse that familiarity with knowledge and understanding. This unfortunately seems to have created, in this age, a satisfaction with superficiality. The Nicene Creed putting words to the relationship between Father, Son and Spirit was not developed until 325. The Trinity remains a mystery for exploration in faith. The revelation by Jesus that He is Son was very difficult for the Jewish community. Jesus presents His works as witness to His essence. He invites us to be part of the unity between Father and Son and from that existence we will be deeply aware of the Love which is expressed through the Name of Jesus and we will seek to act in that Love.  The first century Jewish leader, Gamaliel, advised the religious authorities to let the work of Jesus disciples continue because if it were not of God it would disappear. If God is working in Jesus, people will not be able to stop the plan of God.

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