Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stars of Christmas

Western Christians celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany today. An epiphany is a revelation which is from above or of Divine origin. The news of the Incarnation revealed to the Gentiles is the theme of the texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah tells of the remnant streaming back to Jerusalem after the Exile in Babylon. This return was a sign to all the nations of the goodness of God. Isaiah predicts a return to the days of Solomon praised by the psalmist when people streamed to Jerusalem from foreign lands carrying gifts and seeking Wisdom. The Gospel of Matthew which is written by a Jew for a Jewish audience tells of the attraction of the Magi to Jerusalem on a journey inspired by a sign in the heavens. The nature and number of these visitors and the deep symbolic meaning in their gifts is food for much meditation. Pastor Tony has a summary of many of the ways in which the Gospel, tradition and relatively modern music have painted our initial understanding of this feast. Friar Jude Winkler underlines the significant revelation in this very Jewish Gospel that the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah is given to the Gentiles. Friar Jude comments on the triple alignment of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, which may have been the “Christmas star”, and the significance of this to Persian astrologers. The circle is completed in Matthew as the remnant of Israel returning to seek Wisdom in Jerusalem from Persia after the exile becomes the destination of the journey of the Magi, Persian astrologers, to seek Wisdom concerning the revelation of a King from God. Father LarryGillick SJ expands upon the theme of journey with the Magi in mind as examples of the journey we often take in our intellect to try and figure out and analyse the nature of God. The surprise of Epiphany where humility and childlike faith are the Wisdom of God sends the Magi and the person on the sincere spiritual quest today back “by another road”. Transformation is the fruit of spiritual journey. The proclamation of Paul to the Ephesians is the bottom line of the “Good News” “as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that is, the Gentiles have become fellow-heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel”( Ephesians 3.5-6).

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