Friday, April 29, 2011

Rejected by the Builders

(Psalm 118:22)” The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.” This is the proclamation of the psalmist in the texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today. In the passage from the Books of Acts, Peter uses this text from Psalm 118 as he proclaims the power of the healing done in the name of Jesus to the scribes and leaders of the community who had crucified Him. The episode from John’s Gospel begins a wonderful healing encounter of the Apostles with Jesus in Galilee after the Resurrection when they had returned to fishing. Was this an abandonment of the mission? Was it obedience to the Easter message that He would meet them in Galilee? Perhaps it was the very human need to return to the times and places of stability and familiarity that directed the “fishers of people” back to the occupation of fishers to recalibrate and restore. The place and activity was perfect for a dramatic reconciliation and restoration of the passion, particularly in Peter, that grew out of the loving intimacy between him and Jesus, which certainly must have been in some state of suspension in Peter’s mind. Who calls hard working fishermen ‘children’? What fishermen take direction from the shore on how to work their trade? These are two indications that the Father and Teacher was trying to make contact. When we, “the disciple whom Jesus loved”, make the connection the indwelling Spirit of Peter pushes aside all the obstacles, of doubt, rejection and confusion and restarts the passion that moves the very human Peter in the only direction possible. He plunges back into the great relationship, seemingly, where it began, yet so much had occurred. He trusts the mystery to the relationship and as the great catch of fish is hauled ashore, prepares to share a meal with his intimate friend who had died on the cross. The “chief cornerstone” of the life of Peter is restored.

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