Friday, April 9, 2010

Smell the Coffee to Fan Faith

The Roman Catholic Lectionary for the days in the Octave of Easter lists texts which describe the change of heart and action of the apostles as they move out into the world to proclaim the Gospel (Good News) that has come from their relationship with Jesus. Courage replaces fear and the faith of Abraham and Mary which is “trust beyond what human senses permit” is evidenced in healing and the arousal of the indwelling Spirit in many. The victory song of the psalmist expresses the joy in the proclamation that "the stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone". This phrase, used by Peter to refer to Jesus, is the phrase of the salvation history of the Hebrew people. It is, for many spiritual traditions, a truth of the action of God in personal and communal histories. Yesterday, Myra Freeman delivered an informative and inspiring breakfast talk on faith in the workplace. One aspect of faith at work is the sense of resurrection and triumph over rejection and set back that believers hold as a fundamental action of the Divine in their lives. Where does the energy to go on come from? John indicates the overwhelming graciousness and generosity of the “return to the fold” of Peter and the “fishers” as the Resurrected Jesus providently provides an over abundance of food and cooks breakfast for His own on the beach. The initiative and the generosity are with the Divine. Truly the human only needs to “wake up and smell the coffee”

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