Monday, May 6, 2024

Growth in the Spirit

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today invite us to contemplate the contribution of the Holy Spirit to our growth as followers of Christ. In Canada today, the readings are chosen for the Memorial of Francois de Laval.

Spiritual Growth

The reading from the Acts of the Apostles relates the Conversion of Lydia.

* [16:1140] The church at Philippi became a flourishing community to which Paul addressed one of his letters (see Introduction to the Letter to the Philippians).

* [16:14] A worshiper of God: a “God-fearer.” See note on Acts 8:2640. (Acts of the Apostles, CHAPTER 16 | USCCB, n.d.)

Psalm 149 offers praise for God’s Goodness to Israel.

* [Psalm 149] A hymn inviting the people of Israel to celebrate their God in song and festive dance (Ps 149:13, 5) because God has chosen them and given them victory (Ps 149:4). The exodus and conquest are the defining acts of Israel; the people must be ready to do again those acts in the future at the divine command (Ps 149:69). (Psalms, PSALM 149 | USCCB, n.d.)

In the Gospel of John, Jesus relates Testimony and the Advocate.

* [15:26] Whom I will send: in Jn 14:16, 26, the Paraclete is to be sent by the Father, at the request of Jesus. Here the Spirit comes from both Jesus and the Father in mission; there is no reference here to the eternal procession of the Spirit. (John, CHAPTER 15 | USCCB, n.d.)

Larry Gillick, S.J. comments that ten days ago, in Omaha, we experienced great destruction from several tornadoes. Homes, cars, communication-lines were flattened. He was wondering, while at prayer the next morning, how do those who are believers, well, still believe.

I would imagine that some of the tornado-victims may have been thrown out of their houses and so out of their faith-relationship with God. I can understand that, but my belief is that God’s Advocate is the Spirit of creation and reconstruction, of buildings, lives and faith. This is central to believing in an actively loving God. God is not the Destructor or cause of the tornados, which is a natural angry reaction. This weather phenomenon was relentless. Our belief, though at times fragile, is that this Holy Spirit relentlessly urges fidelity in the face of disasters and disappointments. “Remain” as I “remain” in and with you. So hard to stay in God’s house as our house is flying away.  (Gillick SJ, n.d.)

Don Schwager quotes “The Comforter is with us in our troubles,” by Cyril of Jerusalem, 430-543 A.D.

"He is called the Comforter because he comforts and encourages us and helps our infirmities. We do not know what we should pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself makes intercession for us, with groanings that cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26), that is, he makes intercession to God. Very often, someone has been outraged and dishonored unjustly for the sake of Christ. Martyrdom is at hand; tortures on every side, and fire, and sword, and savage beasts and the pit. But the Holy Spirit softly whispers to him, 'Wait on the Lord' (Psalm 27:14). What is now happening to you is a small matter; the reward will be great. Suffer a little while, and you will be with angels forever. 'The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to the glory that shall be revealed in us' (Romans 8:18). He portrays to the person the kingdom of heaven. He gives him a glimpse of the paradise of delight." (excerpt from CATECHETICAL LECTURES 16.20) (Schwager, n.d.)

The Word Among Us Meditation on John 15:26–16:4 comments that Jesus knew that their human efforts alone would not be enough to carry them through the difficulties of evangelizing and leading the Church. But he also knew that if they relied on the Spirit even as they worked hard, their faith would be built up. And that would help keep them from falling away.

Whether life is going smoothly or about to overwhelm you, the Holy Spirit is always with you. He is your Advocate who is always ready to fill your heart with grace and to keep you connected with Jesus.

“Jesus, I don’t ever want to fall away from you! Thank you for sending me your Spirit to help me stay close to you.” (Meditation on John 15:26–16:4, n.d.)

Friar Jude Winkler comments that a vision of Macedonia compels Paul to travel to Philippi where he is supported by Lydia, a woman of wealth in the purple dye trade. The role of women in the Church is a strong theme in Acts and the Gospel of Luke. Friar Jude reminds us of Jesus' promise of the Advocate to support us as the Spirit supported the apostles in persecution after their expulsion from the synagogue.

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, speaks about the spiritual path that winds both away from and toward one’s true home.

When we can say “yes” to that uncreation and still be happy, we’ve done our work. My True Self is in God and not in what I’ve created. My self-created self gave me a nice trail to walk on, and something to do each day, but it isn’t really me. It might be my career or my vocation; yet as good as it is, it isn’t my True Self.  

In the metaphor of life as a journey, I think it’s finally about coming back home to where we started. As I approach death, I’m thinking about that a lot, because I think the best way to describe what’s coming next is not “I’m dying,” but “I’m finally going home.” I don’t know what it’s like yet, but in my older age I can really trust that it is home. I don’t know where that trust comes from or even what home is like, but I know I’m not going to someplace new. I’m going to all the places I’ve known deeply. They’re pointing me to the big deep, the Big Real. I do think homecoming is what it’s all about. [1] (Rohr, n.d.)

We contemplate the events of our life journey and express gratitude for the good times and even more so for the action of the Spirit in escorting us through the difficulties and transforming misfortune to growth.


Acts of the Apostles, CHAPTER 16 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

Gillick SJ, L. (n.d.). Daily Reflection Of Creighton University's Online Ministries. Creighton University's Online Ministries. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

John, CHAPTER 15 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

Meditation on John 15:26–16:4. (n.d.). The Word Among Us: Homepage. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

Psalms, PSALM 149 | USCCB. (n.d.). Daily Readings. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

Rohr, R. (n.d.). God Is Bringing Us Home. CAC Daily Meditations. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

Schwager, D. (n.d.). When the Counselor Comes, the Spirit of Truth. Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations – Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations. Retrieved May 6, 2024, from 

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