Sunday, September 29, 2019

Love responds to need

The events of yesterday in my family have generated additional contemplation and reflection on Love and our spiritual response.
Locklin Baptism

After the Baptism of my grandson, Locklin, his dad George shared the experience that initiated the process leading to the blessed event. Almost 42 years ago, I had a similar experience. George shared the need he had to see that his son would be saved from struggling to breath during an episode while Locklin was recovering from surgery at the IWK NICU. When my first son was born I was in need of assurance that all would be OK for him as he was facing a prolonged period of facial surgical repair, speech therapy, and special attention to his feeding as an infant. George and I both experienced our needs for our sons being satisfied. My experience was an infilling of Love and confidence that we could do it with the spiritual support I was coming to know. Some spiritual commentators have suggested that our life journey includes seeking revelation of the “name” by which God calls us. Naming our children often is connected to the names of family members. My youngest sons honour their mothers parents in their name. My oldest son, Christopher, is not named for his uncle. The traditional meaning of the name Christopher is “Christ bearer” and his birth marked the beginning of my discovery of Love in Christ that responds to our needs and has nothing to do with our worthiness.

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