Sunday, October 7, 2012

Covenant Concerns

The texts today from the Roman Catholic Lectionary counter contemporary culture in considering several ideas which challenge us as we try to fit Love, order, growth and commitment together in life. Father LarryGillick SJ prepares our consideration of the union of men and women in the text today from Genesis by setting a stage where this first book of the Bible addresses how things came to be and how they should be. It sketches the pieces of the Divine puzzle and indicates how they go together. Modern people are not less concerned with these ancient questions but are less likely to accept a dictated answer. The struggle with “Why” is catholic and perpetual. The text from the Book of Hebrews, written to an audience from Greek and Jewish background, uses a midrash approach according to Friar Jude Winkler. This is learning and deepening of understanding of Sacred Text by discussion and questioning. The unquestioned acceptance is not the tradition of Christians and Jews. The learning process is a struggle. Father Larry acknowledges that the union of people in marriage is, at times, a struggle with suffering. The culture is not open today to enduring suffering as the door to change and growth. Jesus is described in Hebrews as One made perfect for us in suffering. Thanksgiving, in Canada tomorrow, is a time when the suffering, growth, joy, appreciation and frustration can come together as families and friends gather to be thankful for the lives of each other. Those who have been blessed by marriage know the growth which Covenant relationship brings as we change and reveal the deep mystery of who we are to and with the intimate other. The passage from the Gospel of Mark concludes today as Jesus suspends the discussion of the Law of Moses concerning divorce, raised by the Pharisees, to bring into their midst a child as the example of our need to accept an attitude of openness as we search the mystery of the order of things while we celebrate the gifts of intimate relationships offered by the Creator to be our most suitable and needed growth companion. We pause this weekend to be immensely thankful for that marriage covenant relationship which fills life and witnesses love, compassion, patience, mercy, understanding, forbearance and endurance to the world.

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