Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Prayer and Intercession

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today invite us to contemplate the action of God in our lives that is associated with our prayer.

Prayer in our Day

The reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah praises the success of the Word.

* [55:1011] The efficacy of the word of God recalls 40:5, 8. (Isaiah, CHAPTER 55, n.d.)

Psalm 34 is praise for Deliverance from Trouble.

* [Psalm 34] A thanksgiving in acrostic form, each line beginning with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In this Psalm one letter is missing and two are in reverse order. The psalmist, fresh from the experience of being rescued (Ps 34:5, 7), can teach the “poor,” those who are defenseless, to trust in God alone (Ps 34:4, 12). God will make them powerful (Ps 34:511) and give them protection (Ps 34:1222). (Psalms, PSALM 34, n.d.)

The Gospel of Matthew presents the Lord’s Prayer.

* [6:913] Matthew’s form of the “Our Father” follows the liturgical tradition of his church. Luke’s less developed form also represents the liturgical tradition known to him, but it is probably closer than Matthew’s to the original words of Jesus. (Matthew, CHAPTER 6, n.d.)

Julie Kalkowski comments that teaching us to pray is yet another example of how much our God loves us. Being well acquainted with our human frailties, God constructed a prayer that would help us move beyond our earthly fears and doubts so we are able to see and respond to our neighbors in need. The more she has pondered this prayer the last few days, the more she has become captivated by its simplicity and power in each line. 

Our Father who art in heaven,:

This line grounds us and reminds us who we are and whom we belong to.  

hallowed be thy name,: 

God’s name is holy, sacred…remember that.

thy Kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

God is planting the seed that our communities and our world can, one day, become more like God’s kingdom.

Give us this day our daily bread;

We are being given permission to ask for what we need whether its food or some other need or request for help.   

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

The older I get, the more I have come to understand the power of forgiveness.  One of my favorite lines from The Color Purple by Alice Walker is that “Meanness kills.”  It not only harms other people, it also hurts us. Holding on to grudges and clinging to past hurts diminishes the quality of our lives along with our capacity for compassion. How can we help God’s kingdom come if we can’t forgive ourselves and each other?

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. 

God is encouraging us to stay to course—to pursue building God’s kingdom in the here and now.  Don’t get sidetracked by others or by your own desires. (Kalkowski, 2023)

Don Schwager quotes “Pardon your brother and sister,” by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.

"Pardon, that you may be pardoned. In doing this, nothing is required of the body. It is the will that acts. You will experience no physical pain - you will have nothing less in your home. Now in truth, my brothers and sisters, you see what an evil it is that those who have been commanded to love even their enemy do not pardon a penitent brother or sister." (quote from Sermon 210,10) (Schwager, n.d.)

The Word Among Us Meditation on Matthew 6:7-15 comments that rather than give us a specific set of instructions, Jesus taught us a way to pray that both reveals God’s heart to us and invites us to attune our hearts to his (Matthew 6:7-15).

Today, pray the Our Father slowly. With each petition, think about how it reveals God’s heart. Don’t worry if you are praying “correctly.” Just praise God with all your heart for his never-ending love, compassion, and mercy for you!

“Jesus, may my prayer today lead me to the heart of the Father.” (Meditation on Matthew 6:7-15, n.d.)

Friar Jude Winkler comments on the Hebrew understanding of the power of the word to make people and events present in more than a symbolic representation. The more refined liturgical nature of the Lord’s prayer in Matthew is compared to the disjointed intercessions in Luke that may be closer to Jesus prayer. Friar Jude reminds us that forgiveness requires an open heart that recognizes the different gifts of the children of God.

Barbara Holmes reminds us of the forgotten gifts of early Christianity, particularly from its African legacies. 

This desert may initially seem barren, dull, and colorless, but eventually our perceptions start to change…. Here we empty ourselves of our own obstacles to God. In the space of this emptiness, we encounter the enormity of God’s presence…. The ammas [Desert Mothers] teach us that the desert becomes the place of a mature repentance and conversion toward transformation into true radical freedom. [1]

We are in need of those values central to African monasticism and early Christian hospitality; they include communal relationships, humility, and compassion. Laura Swan sums up these virtues in the word apatheia, defined as “a mature mindfulness, a grounded sensitivity, and a keen attention to one’s inner world as well as to the world in which one has journeyed.” [2] Inevitably, the journey takes each of us in different directions; however, by virtue of circumstances or choice, each of us will at some point in our lives find ourselves on the outskirts of society listening to the silence coming from within. During these times, we realize that contemplation is a destination as well as a practice. (Holmes, 2023)

We can invoke the Spirit to lead us to the time and manner of prayer that we most need for our particular circumstances.


Holmes, B. (2023, February 28). Recognizing Our Lost History — Center for Action and Contemplation. Center for Action and Contemplation. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://cac.org/daily-meditations/recognizing-our-lost-history-2023-02-28/ 

Isaiah, CHAPTER 55. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/isaiah/55?10 

Kalkowski, J. (2023, February 28). Creighton U. Daily Reflection. Online Ministries. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/022823.html 

Matthew, CHAPTER 6. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/matthew/6

Meditation on Matthew 6:7-15. (n.d.). The Word Among Us: Homepage. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://wau.org/meditations/2023/02/28/619984/ 

Psalms, PSALM 34. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/34?4 

Schwager, D. (n.d.). Your Heavenly Father Knows What You Need. Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations – Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://www.dailyscripture.net/daily-meditation/?ds_year=2023&date=feb28 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Actions Judged

The texts from the Roman Catholic Lectionary today challenge us to apply the holiness code of Judeo-Christian tradition to actions of compassion and mercy in our relationships with the people we encounter on our journey.

Care and compassion

The reading from the Book of Leviticus describes Ritual and Moral Holiness.

* [19:1113] Cf. the Decalogue commandments against stealing (Ex 20:15; Dt 5:19), wrongly using God’s name (Ex 20:7; Dt 5:11), and swearing falsely against another (Ex 20:16; Dt 5:20).

* [19:14] In Dt 27:18 a curse falls on the head of the one who misleads the blind.

* [19:1718] These verses form a unit and describe different attitudes and actions towards one’s fellow Israelites. A separate passage is necessary to advise a similar attitude toward aliens (vv. 3334). Cf. 25:3946. The admonition at the end of v. 18 came to be viewed in Judaism and Christianity as one of the central commandments. (See Mt 22:3440; Mk 12:2834; Lk 10:2528; cf. Mt 19:19; Rom 13:810; Gal 5:14). The New Testament urges love for enemies as well as neighbors (Mt 5:4348; Lk 6:2736; cf. Prv 25:2122). (Leviticus, CHAPTER 19, n.d.)

Psalm 19 praises God’s Glory in Creation and the Law.

* [Psalm 19] The heavenly elements of the world, now beautifully arranged, bespeak the power and wisdom of their creator (Ps 19:27). The creator’s wisdom is available to human beings in the law (Ps 19:811), toward which the psalmist prays to be open (Ps 19:1214). The themes of light and speech unify the poem. (Psalms, PSALM 19, n.d.)

The Gospel of Matthew describes the Judgement of the Nations.

* [25:3146] The conclusion of the discourse, which is peculiar to Matthew, portrays the final judgment that will accompany the parousia. Although often called a “parable,” it is not really such, for the only parabolic elements are the depiction of the Son of Man as a shepherd and of the righteous and the wicked as sheep and goats respectively (Mt 25:3233). The criterion of judgment will be the deeds of mercy that have been done for the least of Jesus’ brothers (Mt 25:40). A difficult and important question is the identification of these least brothers. Are they all people who have suffered hunger, thirst, etc. (Mt 25:35, 36) or a particular group of such sufferers? Scholars are divided in their response and arguments can be made for either side. But leaving aside the problem of what the traditional material that Matthew edited may have meant, it seems that a stronger case can be made for the view that in the evangelist’s sense the sufferers are Christians, probably Christian missionaries whose sufferings were brought upon them by their preaching of the gospel. The criterion of judgment for all the nations is their treatment of those who have borne to the world the message of Jesus, and this means ultimately their acceptance or rejection of Jesus himself; cf. Mt 10:40, “Whoever receives you, receives me.” See note on Mt 16:27. (Matthew, CHAPTER 25, n.d.)

Ann Mausbach comments that today’s gospel reminds us that these kinds of mercies are not out of our reach. All of us have the power to listen to a friend in distress, watch our friends' kids when the parents need help, support our local food bank, check in on the elderly neighbor who lives alone….etc. The list is endless. And within our grasp. The possibilities for mercy are boundless, just as human needs are boundless.

This week let’s remember that Jesus is everywhere. He is disguised in the overworked waitress, the homeless man on the corner, and the newly arrived refugee. Let’s remember that it's the ordinary day to day actions we take that make for greatness and eternal reward. (Mausbach, 2023)

Don Schwager quotes “Gathering and Separating,” by an anonymous early author from the Greek church.

"And he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." So then, people on earth are intermingled, and not only intermingled in that the righteous live side by side with the wicked, but they are also indistinguishable. Between the righteous and the wicked there is no apparent difference. Even as in wintertime you cannot tell the healthy trees apart from the withered trees but in beautiful springtime you can tell the difference, so too each person according to his faith and his works will be exposed. The wicked will not have any leaves or show any fruit, but the righteous will be clothed with the leaves of eternal life and adorned with the fruit of glory. In this way they will be separated by the heavenly shepherd and Lord. The earthly shepherd separates animals by their type of body, whereas Christ separates people by their type of soul. The sheep signify righteous people by reason of their gentleness, because they harm no one, and by reason of their patience, because when they are harmed by others, they bear it without resistance. He refers to sinners as goats, however, because these vices characterize goats - capriciousness toward other animals, pride and belligerence." (excerpt from INCOMPLETE WORK ON MATTHEW, HOMILY 54, the Greek fathers). (Schwager, n.d.)

The Word Among Us Meditation on Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18 comments that to love others as we are loved: this is the best yardstick we could use for measuring our choices. Whether we’re preparing for Confession or reviewing the events of our day before bed, the question “Did I love other people as I would want to be loved?” can give us a lot to explore.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see your choices in the light of love. Ask him to help you make love the basis of the way you relate to the people around you and the reason why you try to obey the commandments. Because love is the foundation and the fulfillment of the Law.

“Lord, I want to see all your commands as ways you are teaching me to love!” (Meditation on Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, n.d.)

Jack Mahoney SJ, Emeritus Professor of Moral and Social Theology in the University of London, asks how the Ten Commandments found their expression in the teaching of Jesus.

As a devout Jew, Jesus was familiar with the Hebrew Bible and among the early Christians there was profound interest in how his teaching related to the traditional teaching in Israel, which his enemies had accused him of flouting. This interest came especially from Jewish Christians, whose concerns and needs were of major significance to the author of Matthew’s Gospel. As I showed in an earlier article on the Sermon on the Mount, far from dispensing with the Ten Commandments of Israel, Jesus insisted on their continuing relevance and their fulfilment, and he even took pains to show their deeper significance and application for his followers (Mt 5:17-48). Moreover, all of the synoptic gospels make a point of recording the conversation between Jesus and the rich young man who wanted to know how to gain eternal life, when Jesus said, simply, ‘keep the commandments’ (Mk10:17-22; Mt 19:16-30; Lk 18:18-30). (Mahoney, 2012)

Friar Jude Winkler discusses the vertical and horizontal aspects of our faith as illustrated in the 

Leviticus passage. Matthew speaks of the coming judgement in terms of the separation of sheep and goats. The pasture behaviour of goats is less social than that of sheep. Friar Jude note that our response is not in keeping rules but in compassion for people who need God’s Love.

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, shows how the teachings of the desert mystics align with the practice of centering prayer.

I’ve continued to be influenced by the desert mystics and the Eastern Church Fathers, even to the point where I say, “My gosh, this is a different Christianity.” It’s completely different from the issues we’re dealing with today. The main thing I’m struck by is how some of their teaching is almost Buddhist. It totally affirms what we’re taught in centering prayer.

The monks Callistus and Ignatius taught:

Collect your mind from its customary circling and wandering outside, and quietly lead it into the heart by way of breathing. [4] (Rohr, 2023)

We encounter Jesus in the people we interact with daily and the Spirit invites us to contemplate how we relate to these opportunities.


Leviticus, CHAPTER 19. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/leviticus/19?1 

Mahoney, J. (2012, July 10). Jesus and the Ten Commandments. Thinking Faith. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://www.thinkingfaith.org/articles/20120710_1.htm 

Matthew, CHAPTER 25. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/matthew/25?31 

Mausbach, A. (2023, February 27). Creighton U. Daily Reflection. Online Ministries. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/022723.html 

Meditation on Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18. (n.d.). The Word Among Us: Homepage. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://wau.org/meditations/2023/02/27/619401/ 

Psalms, PSALM 19. (n.d.). USCCB. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://bible.usccb.org/bible/psalms/19?8 

Rohr, R. (2023, February 27). Contemplative Prayer Is Nothing New. Center for Action and Contemplation. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://cac.org/daily-meditations/contemplative-prayer-is-nothing-new-2023-02-27/ 

Schwager, D. (n.d.). Eternal Life Versus Eternal Punishment. Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations – Daily Scripture Readings and Meditations. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from https://www.dailyscripture.net/daily-meditation/?ds_year=2023&date=feb27